Animal Chiropractic | Veterinary Chiropractor Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer


A safe and pain-free treatment.

Animal chiropractic care involves adjusting the vertebrae to relieve pain and discomfort and improve the range of motion of a pet’s joints. Drs. Maro and Anleu have studied Animal Chiropractic and Dr. Maro is certified by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. Any pet will benefit from regular chiropractic exams to monitor and detect minor joint changes which start long before you see signs of advanced arthritis.  

Acupuncture, acupressure, aquapuncture, therapeutic lasers, pulsed electromagnetic therapy, gold bead implants, animal chiropractic, and massage therapy all provide increased comfort to our patients who suffer from arthritis, orthopedic diseases, hip dysplasia, and disc disease.  Many of our patients are able to move more freely without medications after beginning these alternative therapies.  Athletic animals who compete also benefit from these treatments.

Pets that have internal medicine disorders benefit from acupuncture and herbal treatments.  Heart, kidney, liver, pancreatic, cancer, and immune system (rheumatoid, IBD, lupus) disorder patients also benefit from acupuncture and a treatment called NAET.

Veterinary NAET also benefits pets with allergies of any form, whether they have a few allergies or many.  Call our offices to find out how your pet if alternative therapies can give you renewed hope for your pet's comfort and potential for a cure where conventional medicine offers no hope.

Dr. Cindy Maro is certified in many alternative therapy applications and works with pets and their owners to find the right blend of conventional and cutting-edge alternative treatments to improve the quality of life.

Chiropractic care can be used to treat various health problems including:

  • Neck, back, leg, or tail pain
  • Injuries from slips and falls
  • Muscle spasms
  • Nerve problems
  • Difficulty chewing 
  • Musculoskeletal weakness

While chiropractic treatment is commonly used to treat injuries, it can also be utilized for regular maintenance of the spine and joints. 

Call us at (724) 758-8882 if you think your pet could benefit from chiropractic care and you’d like to schedule a consultation.

$city Animal Chiropractic Services

Ellwood Animal Hospital